Friday 14 April 2017

Extract of a letter from Mr.
President Mackenzie to the
Duke of Portland dated Grenada
15th September 1795

                           I am honoured with your Grace’s letter of the 8th July, and was happy in being able to communicate the information that a very considerable Detachment of Troops was on the point of embarking for these Islands.
We are now in daily expectation of its arrival, and an additional Force in Grenada is become essentially important to the safety of the Colony. The great reduction which has taken place in the Militia from weariness and disease, has nearly annihilated some of the Regiments, and the guard for the protection of the Town is principally composed of Negroes.
No attempt of any kind has been made against the insurgents, since I had last the honour of writing to your Grace, and, fortunately for us, they have been equally inactive on

their part- nor had the Enemy yet attempted to throw in succours from the other Islands (a very small vessel with Provisions and Ammunition expected) though we have several reports of a Force preparing at Guadeloupe and St. Lucia.
                     The Act for vesting the command of the Militia in the General Officer commanding His Majesty’s Forces in the Island, during the existing Insurrection, has passed the Legislature, and I have the honour to forward a certified Copy by this Packet.
                     In the Copies of correspondence with Brigadier General Nicolls, which I had the honour to inclose in my letter to your Grace of the 11th Ulto, notice was taken of a general order issued by the Brigadier forbidding any vessel to leave the Island without first obtaining his permission. The principal Officers of his Majesty’s Customs for the Port of St. George, have, since the…

of that order, refused to give the usual clearance Papers to vessels quitting the Port until the leave on the part of the  Brigadier had been first obtained – Complaint                     199
having been made to me of this circumstance, I wrote to the principal officers a letter of which the inclosed is a Copy. It was delivered to the Collector, but no answer has been returned to it.- The temporary nature of my command has made me averse to the measure of suspending these Officers, but I am satisfied that your Grace will see the propriety of maintaining, in all those who by His Majesty’s Commission are placed as first in command in the Colony, that authority which is requisite for such a situation, and therefore I have thought it my duty to state this circumstance for the information of your Grace.

Copy                                                                             519
Grenada 4th September 1795
It having been represented to me that, for sometime past, vessels, which have regularly cleared at the Customs House, and complied with the requisites prescribed by Law, have not been permitted to receive their Papers, until they had produced a permission on the part of Brigadier General Nicolls to quit the Port; I have to request that you would inform me whether the representation thus made to me, is correct in point of fact.
                            I am &c
                            K.F. Mckenzie

Principal Officers
of his Majesty’s Customs

              St. George’s

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